White Tank Wellness

bioidentical hormone replacement for men

BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

At White Tank Wellness in Buckeye, AZ, we understand the importance of hormone balance for men's health and wellness. That's why we offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as a natural and effective treatment option.

What is bioidentical hormone replacement therpy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men involves using hormones that are identical in structure to the hormones naturally produced by the male body. These hormones, such as testosterone, are derived from plant sources and are designed to mimic the body's natural hormones.

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How does BHRT work?

During a consultation at White Tank Wellness, our team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your hormone levels through blood tests and other assessments. Based on the results, we will create a personalized treatment plan using bioidentical hormones in the form of creams and pills:

• Correct age related hormone decline
• Balance your body chemistry to that of a much younger person
• Relieve symptoms of low testosterone like fatigue and erectile dysfunction
• Improve overall health and andropause in the body

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white tank wellness located in buckeye, az

BHRT Can Help with the Following:

Experience the incredible benefits of BHRT including:


Have you lost your edge? If you’re tired all the time, your motivation suffers, your family life suffers, and your sex life suffers.

memory loss

Brain fog. Poor concentration. Diminished mental acuity. If you aren’t feeling as sharp as you used to, andropause may be to blame.

low sex drive

Many men experience a below-normal sex drive during andropause. What is below normal? If where it is now isn’t working for you, it’s below normal.

erectile dysfunction

E.D. affects roughly 30 million men in the United States. Yes, it’s that common. It’s just no one likes to talk about it. There are, however, many solutions.

weight gain

Trying to lose weight during andropause feels like pushing a heavy rock up a steep hill. The more out of balance your hormones become, the steeper the hill.

hot flashes

That’s right—men have hot flashes, too. We’ve found they trouble about 20% of our clients prior to restoring testosterone.

muscle loss

Your body needs testosterone to build muscle. If you’re losing muscle mass, or finding it difficult to build new muscle, you may have low testosterone.

prostate conditions

Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to prostate conditions. That means balanced hormones, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Many men develop a profound appreciation for sleep during andropause. That’s because sleep can be in short supply when hormones are out of balance.

hair loss

Even though hair loss has been studied extensively, surprisingly little is known about it. We let years of experience and common sense inform our approach.

sleep apnea

Waking up not being able to breath is unpleasant. But it doesn’t end there. Sleep apnea causes oxygen deprivation, and aggravates other andropause symptoms.


There’s a reason you’re feeling down and unmotivated. Low serotonin equals depression. And low testosterone equals low serotonin.


A reduction in bone density is more common than you might think in andropausal men. Through balanced hormones, it’s also preventable.


Testosterone has protective effects on heart health and brain health, potentially reducing risks of cardiovascular disease and dementia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of BHRT?
How long does it take to see results from BHRT?
What are the benefits of BHRT?
Are there any potential side effects of BHRT?
Does insurance cover BHRT?
white tank wellness located in buckeye, az

Join Our BHRT Membership!

Feel good for life with our BHRT membership! The initial visit is $300 which includes: cost of labs, lab review, initial hormone optimization plan, lifestyle and diet recommendations

**Option for mobile/in-home initial visit for additional $50 fee

Membership Includes:

BHRT membership includes the following:

• Access to your provider
• After hours messaging
• Custom hormone optimization planning
• Discount pricing on labs
• Discount pricing on compounded prescriptions
• Discounts on supplements
• 3 free Telehealth visits per year (this can be used for sick care, med refills, etc.)​

BONUS: Weight loss plans are discounted for BHRT members!! Contact for details

Membership Investment:

Month-to-Month Membership: $125/mo

3 Month Membership: $338 (Save 10%)

6 Month Membership: $638 (Save 15%)

12 Month Membership: $1200 (Save 20%)

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