White Tank Wellness

Amie's Transformation

Amie's Transformation Journey

Amie's Story

I started my BHRT journey in November 2022 with a custom plan for me based on my symptoms and my lab results. I decided to start because I was having the most fatigue I've ever experienced in my life. It didn't make sense because I was eating plant-based, drinking plenty of water, taking my multivitamin, exercising, and managing my stress well. Why was I so tired? It seemed as though I was doing all the right things!

In addition to ridiculously low energy, I was having unreasonable monthly cycles and headaches all the time. I was irritable and moody. I was struggling with weight gain and couldn't lose despite working out and eating a very clean, plant-based diet. Not only that, I was having issues with libido and sex drive. I thought this was due to my fatigue. I was just so tired and felt I just didn't have the energy for intimacy.

My new program included bio-identical hormones and supplements to optimize my levels and help me feel better. I couldn't believe it but, I noticed that I had improved energy and libido within 2 weeks of starting. My headaches resolved within 2 months and my cycles regulated within 3 months.  

By January, I was feeling much better with increased energy, libido, motivation, etc. My nails stopped breaking and I noticed my hair was growing and not shedding as much. Despite these great results, I was still not losing any weight. We decided to add Semaglutide to work on my insulin resistance and inflammation. I began to lose weight but very slowly. I was ok with this, since it was the first time in over 2 years that my weight was moving in the right direction. The Semaglutide decreased my appetite and motivated me to keep my portions small and stick to clean eating. I discovered that unhealthy food choices made me feel nauseated or caused other GI symptoms so I avoided these types of food. I felt great when I was eating healthy!

Another part of my journey that was really significant was the discovery of my iron deficiency. My iron stores were so low that I required IV iron infusions. This took my energy to a whole new level!! I noticed that, once my levels were normal, I was no longer short of breath with activity. In fact, I could jog and have a conversation with ease again. I also noticed the weight was coming off a little easier after the infusions.

By June, I had lost around 20lbs and took my mom to a yoga retreat in Mexico for her 80th birthday. We were doing yoga 2 hours a day plus activities like hiking and snorkeling. We had a full schedule for 7 days. I know I would've never been able to keep up without my new-found energy and zest for life that the program had helped me find. (BTW, my 80 year-old mom was able to keep up with the whole class! You'd never guess she was 80. She's amazing! And she's on BHRT too!!)

Over the last year, I have continued to lose weight very slowly. I've had weeks with very little loss then weeks with normal loss. I am now at my goal with a total of 40lbs down. In March this year, I started to build muscle with resistance training twice a week and continue eating a balanced, 80-90% clean, plant-based diet. I have slowly adjusted my habits over the past year to continue my overall health improvement on this health journey. Things like avoiding soda and sugar, limiting gluten, reading ingredients and avoiding processed foods as much as possible. I eat 99% at home and I drink almost 1 gallon of water daily. I also take time for deep breathing exercises and yoga for mental and emotional health.

I am so thankful to have reached my weight goal. My energy is amazing. My skin, hair and nails have never been better. My libido is back to the way it was before I had kids! Not only that, my cholesterol is improved, my fasting insulin is normal, and all my health indicators are great! Overall, my quality of life is 1000% improved compared to the way I was in November of 2022. It's been less than 2 years and I feel like a totally new ME!!! The combination of my BHRT and weight loss program has saved my life and I am so grateful for this knowledge so I can help others reach their goals too!! I hope by sharing my story, I can inspire anyone who is having similar issues as I was to reach out for help. I was headed down the path of blaming my poor health on my age and genetics. We don't have to suffer from hormonal imbalance. It's an easy fix! Lifestyle and diet are a little more difficult to change but still possible. Overall, the last 2 years have required alot of effort and dedication on my part but it was all worth it. We can look at getting healthy as HARD. But being unhealthy is HARD too! CHOOSE YOUR HARD!!

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